Sydney Road Community School composting hub Become a worm lover! Watch the video and then complete the quiz to join the community worm farming hub. Complete the quiz Revisit the important points for successful worm farming in the quiz. Your name*Your email* Postcode* How much food do I put in?* As much as you can find! A layer up to 50mm thick, mixed in with paper or cardboard A big pile in the middle of the worm farm CORRECT! Don't put too much food into the worm farm, add lots of carbon material to keep the mix open and airy. OH NO! Try again... Can I put ALL my food scraps in the worm farm?* Yes, put all your kitchen waste in the worm farm. Nearly - some foods are not good for the worms, like onion and citrus for example. No, worms eat special worm food. CORRECT! Check our guidelines for the foods you can and cannot add - you can download them to stick on the fridge! OH NO! Try again... What else can I put in the worm farm?* Recyclable plastics Branches and sticks from the garden Vacuum dust, coffee grounds, tea bags CORRECT! Worms mostly eat what we eat, plus other soft organics. They only have tiny mouths so nothing too hard, and no chemical products. OH NO! Try again... When should I put carbon [paper, cardboard] into the worm farm?* Every day When I add food scraps Never, worms don't eat paper CORRECT! Adding as much carbon [paper, cardboard, hay] as you do nitrogen [food scraps] is the key to a well balanced worm farm... OH NO! Try again... What type of carbon is good for worm farms?* Shredded paper Torn up cardboard Paper towel, toilet paper rolls, egg cartons All of the above CORRECT! Any non-glossy paper and cardboard can go in your worm farm - receipts, envelopes, bills, packaging - so all of the above can go in your worm farm. Yes, but there is more! Try again... Where should I position my worm farm?* In the sun to keep the worms warm In the shade, heat can kill the worms In your house CORRECT! Whilst you CAN put the worm farm in your house, it is just important to ensure it is out of the sun, and kept cool in summer. OH NO! Try again... Well, kind of... You CAN keep your worm farm in your house, but there is a better answer. Try again... Do I need to add water to the worm farm?* Yes, every day A little bit when you add dry carbon, or if the contents looks drier than usual Never, you will drown the worms! CORRECT! Your worm farm should be moist [not wet or dry] and your worms will be fine if you flush through some water. OH NO! Try again... What do I do with the worm juice?* Throw it out Drink it Dilute 1:10 and spread it around your plants CORRECT! Worm juice can be spread around the roots or on the leaves of plants, it will improve your soil and build healthy plants. OH NO! Worm juice is too valuable to throw out! Try again... OH NO! It might not hurt you, but please don't drink - it is better for the garden. Try again... You are now a worm farmer - well done! You can use your new found knowledge for good and contribute to our community worm farming hub. To access the required code, please click the confirmation below. Confirmation*To be part of the community worm farming hub I commit to following the worm farming guidelines outlined here, in particular in relation to adding sufficient carbon and not overfeeding the worm farms. I understand and agree Your access code is 350 Please download our SRCS guidelines and check the FAQs page at any time for more information. Δ