An experienced Wormlover can not only maintain your worm farms but engage your community and build skills in your organisation...
Service visits not only keep the systems in peak performance but allows us to engage with the users, to build confidence and skills and to create ownership of the whole process.
Service visits can take place as frequently as every week, or as little as once a year. The monthly service can be aligned with garden management services.
Wormlovers servicing includes;
- Staff or stakeholder engagement and Q&A
- Supply of additional feedstock if required
- Restoration of any bins that are out of balance, aeration and removal of excess food
- Harvest castings and liquid, package and store for use or remove if preferred
- Clean bins and harvest area
- Assistance with data collection methodologies
- Advise on internal food waste collection systems
- Unlimited phone and email support
Online service report includes;
- Assessment of general health of system
- Recommendations and advice on ways to improve system management
- Assessment of types and quantities of feed Accurate testing of pH and temperature, worm count and worm health
- Identified contaminants
- Photographs of issues and resolutions
Servicing worm farms has been a key part of our business since the beginning, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs.
View and download an overview of our services below.
Servicing worm farm systems


Harvested worm juice

Client page – list of reports

Service report detail

Service report detail


Harvested worm juice

City Gardens worm farms

Garden servicing

Garden servicing



Harvested worm juice
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