With most of Australia in lockdown over the last weeks and months it has been a very hard time for everyone, and like most small businesses we have also struggled at times. However lower sales meant we had lots of worms without a home, and decided to send them out to those in need in the community. We received many requests for worms and sent out dozens of packs to community composters in need around the country.
We would like to share some of their stories with you – Wonderful stories from fellow worm lovers dedicated to fighting food waste, nurturing young worm farmers, increasing composting knowledge and building healthy soils with worm power.

“I am currently teaching my 5/6 students about waste and strategies we can take to make a difference in our world. In my classroom we are currently using 5 different bins in the efforts to make a difference; general waste, compost bin/caddy, Redcycling, recycling and a Visy bin. By the end of the unit, I was hoping that my students can input the same practices in their own home. Students will be hopefully composting after they have made their own a small in-ground compost bin – using an ice cream container/small bucket, drilling some holes in it a burying it.”
—–Duye, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

“During lockdown, our worm farm has become less active due to less food as it’s located within a school grounds. We are going to take this opportunity to build our worm farm bigger and better. This term, prep classes start garden club under the science curriculum, so what better way to see the worms, than starting from scratch!”
—- Jade and Amy, Bonbeach Primary School Growing Greenthumbs
“I live at Avington Lifestyle Living and have taken over the caretaking of our vegetable gardens in Point Cook. I have set up some rolling compost bins and also individual worm farms to help educate the residents in the purpose of looking after our environment and good practice in the art of composting.”
—- Kerri, Avington Lifestyle Living
“My name is Anna Redgrave I am a volunteer at Selandra Playgroup which is a not for profit playgroup in Victoria. We strive in bringing the local community together and helping families from different backgrounds become one. We have recently between the lockdowns started up a community garden in our back yard, this has been fantastic in increasing the knowledge and understanding of growth with the children. The children have been able to help maintain the up keep and even taking cuttings to use in meals at home. We are all about making memories.”
—-Anna, Livingston Family and Community Centre

“We would love to get some worms for our farms! Short version – we have two big farm sites in Melbourne and we grow food and donate it out to the hungry!”
—- Matt, Food For Change
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