Worm farms are only for suburban gardens, right?
Not any more – worms can be great neighbours for apartment dwellers too.
Food waste can make up to 50% of landfill, and most of this can be processed through a worm farm. Resource recovery from food scraps is a fantastic way for apartment dwellers to lower their environmental footprint, live more sustainably and be amply rewarded for their efforts by the nutrient rich worm farm outputs to use on communal or balcony gardens.
We have worked with individuals, councils and owners’ corporations to install worm composting systems with great success in dozens of apartment blocks around Australia.
Building on our long-term experience in apartment worm farming initiatives, Wormlovers have assisted Sustainability Victoria to include worm-driven composting in their new Best Practice Guide to Waste Management for Multi-Unit Dwellings.
We have been fortunate to witness the passion of apartment communities using our Hungry Bin worm farms and hear the many wonderful stories of residents coming together to take stewardship of their waste. Keeping the worms happy has given them a lot of satisfaction whilst doing something good for the planet and getting to know their neighbours!
Worm farms can be set up in basements, car parks, balconies or service areas. They are easy to manage, and no they don’t smell! Our Hungry Bin worm farms are efficient, rodent-proof and make worm farming a no-brainer.

The Hungry Bin worm farm is the easiest to use most efficient worm composting system we have found and can process up to 2 kg of food waste per day. We supply Hungry Bin systems with worms, worm blankets, signage and other useful worm farming accessories. We also provide all the knowledge and training to manage the bins, ensuring long term success of the project.
If your units don’t have a suitable communal space, you can utilise the stylish Urbalive worm farm which is specifically designed for apartment living.
Wormlovers have been assisting residents of the Hero Building in Melbourne’s CBD manage a large-scale worm farm system since 2016. Around 30 apartments process more than 20 kg of food waste per day through 15 Hungry Bin worm farms, located in the basement car park.

More recently Wormlovers set up a 10 bin Hungry Bin system for residents of the ROI apartment block in North Fitzroy. Residents have enthusiastically embraced the project and are using the worm juice and worm castings in onsite garden beds.

How to initiate a worm-farming project in your apartment block
- Check for a suitable site for the worm farms, out of the sun and preferably easily accessible for residents. Each bin will take up about the same space as a wheelie bin.
- Estimate the number of bins required, based on one Hungry Bin per 1-2 apartments, depending on the number of occupants and their eating habits. Typically more residents will come on board and want to use the bins once they are set up, so keep that in mind so you don’t underestimate the numbers. Having lower capacity than demand can lead to the bins being overfed and create smells, which can be a deterrent to the long-term use of the bins.
- Contact other residents to explain the project and gain support. Although not all residents will want to participate, a worm farming initiative can succeed with a smaller number of committed residents.
- If required, contact your Owners Corporation and explain all aspects of the proposal, including costs, siting and who will feed the worms. All the practical information required for setting up and managing the bins can be found at www.wormlovers.com.au/faqs
- Once you have worked out how many bins you require, and have in-principal support for the project from your Owners Corp, simply order the bins through our website www.wormlovers.com.au/shop. Wormlovers can provide a formal quote if required.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at info@wormlovers.com.au.
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